LAWL fail.

So yeah. Today I was wondering why no one that I watch has posted on here in almost a month, when it occurred to me….almost a month ago, I was reading up on someone’s blog (this creepy ex of my friend’s), and didn’t want them to see me or find me, so I disabled my footprints. Well, most of the people I watch have footprints lock on their sites, which is why I hadn’t seen anything they were writing. So yeah, if anyone gets a sudden explosion of footprints today, it’s cause I’m trying to catch up on what I missed. Lol.


In other news, I made this video yesterday.——–> go watch if you want to. 🙂


So, winter formal was a few days ago. I wore this. 

Lol. It was fun. But I would’ve preferred a shorter dress, like this one:

Cause the skirt on the long one kept getting in the way. 😛 Oh well. It was still fun, and I wore a tie! 😀 Yes. I am just awesome like that. 


So anyway. I talked to my older brother Nik (who is in the infantry) yesterday, for the first time in….well….almost a year. We haven’t exactly been on the best terms. He was abusive when he lived with us, and he’s always disliked me. Idk why. But anyway, we talked on the phone for a little while. Mostly joking around about South Park and Family Guy. Then he quizzed me all about Bobby, which….well…… got on my nerves a little. Like, I understand him trying to change and be the older brother to me that he never was, but seriously? He’s never been there for me before, and NOW he chooses to just try to suddenly get back in on my life? Kinda irritating. But I’m trying to give him another chance. : It’s also irritating that he’s lecturing me about MY relationship, when his relationships always fail miserably. But whatever. 


So this song is awesome. ——> 

I’ve pretty much been addicted to it for like 2 weeks. Me and Nathan are learning it on our guitars. I must admit, we make a pretty good team. I do the rhythm guitar and he does the picking. 🙂 He’s really good at that. He needs to get his OWN guitar though, cause he keeps stealing mine!


So Bobby is going to try to move out here sometime this next year. I really hope he gets to. I kinda feel like we’re missing out on a lot of normal couple things that happen in normal relationships because we never get to be together. 😛 It kinda sucks. I miss him all the time. Also, our one year anniversary is coming up, December 15th. 🙂 


Anyway…..I’m bored. I wish to go hang out with people. I need my own vehicle so that I may do so. 

Well I’m gonna go. BYE!!




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